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Taiwan's silly folly in aiding trade war. 2018930 Huanqiu. As the China-US trade war flares up, the island of Taiwan has decided to buy more soybeans from the US. It is reported that Taiwan will buy between 3.2-3.9 …

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Commentary: Taiwan leadership election result: a temporary counter-current. Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Tsai Ing-wen won Taiwan's leadership election on Saturday, according to the island's election commission. As people of insight and the media on the island have said, this is obviously not a normal election.

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En ce qui concerne l'évolution actuelle de la Chine, il est également très positif : « La Chine d'aujourd'hui tient un bon cap, avec d'excellents dirigeants pragmatiques, un bon programme de développement de la consommation …

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The Taiwan issue may well become a point of increasing tension. To assess the present situation historical context is useful. After World War II, some Chinese led by Chiang Kai-shek fled in 1949 to the island of Taiwan. The island had long been China's territory. After a brief occupation by the Netherlands during 1624-1662, General Zheng ...


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Strait to Taiwan China plus News. Nurses turn into super 'temp parents' for child coronavirus patients. Coaching exercises, checking homework and preparing educational games in addition to providing medical care, nurses at a children's hospital in Wuhan have turned into super "temp moms and dads" taking care of kids infected with the novel coronavirus.

the Taiwan delegation to the First Session of the 10th NPC, Hu Jintao, new Chinese President, reiterated an unwa-vering stand on the basic prin-ciples of "peaceful reunifica-tion," "one country, two sys-tems" and the eight-point pro-posal put forth by former Chinese President Jiang Zemin in resolving the Taiwan issue and realizing ...

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Chine : réponse d'urgence aux inondations au Guangxi. RONGSHUI, 6 juin (Xinhua) -- Photo aérienne prise le 4 juin 2022 montrant une vue de la rivière Rongjiang après de fortes précipitations dans le district autonome Miao de Rongshui de la région autonome Zhuang du Guangxi (sud de la Chine). Le Centre national de contr?.

Une porte-parole de la partie continentale de la Chine a exprimé mardi sa ferme opposition aux ventes d'armes américaines à la région chinoise de Taiwan, ainsi qu'à toute autre forme de contact militaire entre les deux parties. Zhu Fenglian, porte-parole du Bureau des affaires de Taiwan du Conseil des Affaires d'Etat, s'est ainsi exprimée ...

La République de Kiribati, pays insulaire du Pacifique, a, au cours d'une déclaration faite vendredi 20 septembre, affirmé avoir rompu des « relations diplomatiques » avec Taïwan. Il s'agit du deuxième pays en une semaine, après les îles Salomon, qui a rompu les « relations diplomatiques » avec Taïwan. A ce jour ils n'en restent que 15, les pays qui entretiennent …

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By approving of the US stance, Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen turned the island toward a danger zone, much like "a blind man on a blind horse who is in danger of falling into a deep pool at night," as the old Chinese saying …

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